Sunday, December 14th 2008, 11:52 pm
By Jacqueline Sit, NEWS 9
OKLAHOMA CITY -- A recent study by the Center for Disease Control shows more people are turning to alternative forms of medicine.
The CDC study shows more than one in three adults are using alternative treatments and an average of one in nine children and teens are using herbal supplements.
Dr. Bill Edwards said it's hard to tell how helpful these remedies are.
"I think that's something we'll see as time goes on. These are termed as healthful medication, however not all the side effects are known," Dr. Edwards said.
The study found herbal remedies topped the list for both adults and children, most often used for colds, neck pain and anxiety.
"We use fish oil for people with high cholesterol and it does help, we just want them studied," Dr. Mary Ann Bauman said.
Body aches and insomnia were other reasons children are using alternative therapies.
"Just because it's herbal, doesn't mean it's safe. Just because it's natural, doesn't mean it's good for you," Dr. Bauman said.
Without studies being done, both doctors said the best thing to do is talk to your doctor and it's better to be safe than sorry. Doctors said if you are taking prescription medicine, it's very important to pay attention to how that interacts with both natural and herbal supplements.
December 14th, 2008
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