Thursday, September 5th 2019, 11:03 pm
With less than two months until Oklahoma's "constitutional carry" law goes into effect some members of law enforcement community are giving advice on how to act if you get stopped by police and you have a gun on you.
This after learning earlier Thursday that a petition to stop permit less carry did not get enough signatures to make it to a ballot.
Former OBN Agent Robert Jerome said if you're being approached by a police officer while carrying a gun, a little courtesy can go a long way.
Jerome said the best thing to if you get pulled over is to cooperate.
"Go ahead and get your hands up on the steering wheel, help us out at night, turn the dome light on, let us see what's going on inside there," said Jerome.
Jerome has spent more than 20 years in law enforcement and is a lead firearms instructor at 2A Shooting Center in Tulsa.
"When an officer's walking up on you, I understand it's the second most dangerous thing we do, number one is domestic, number two is walking up to vehicles," said Jerome.
He said it’s important to know that even though in November man people will be able to carry a gun, the same rules where guns are prohibited still apply.
"The reality is - there's a lot of people that don't understand that just because you have a right to carry a gun does not relieve you of the responsibility," said Jerome.
Jerome said with the new law you do not need to tell an officer that you have gun on you unless an officer asks. He said telling an officer that you’re armed can keep the situation calm.
He said that once you let an officer know that, they just think "hey, you're a law abiding citizen."
He said if you believe the Officer talking with you is violating your rights follow his or her instructions then file a complaint with the department instead of arguing. Most importantly he said be responsible.
"It's okay to carry that gun but lets be responsible lets me the responsible citizen carrying a gun and not the irresponsible citizen," said Jerome.
Jerome said if you choose to carry a gun legally, always carry it in a holster, get the proper training and practice with it.
September 5th, 2019
November 13th, 2024
October 28th, 2024
March 21st, 2025
March 21st, 2025