Tuesday, August 6th 2019, 8:20 pm
With two major mass shootings in the past five days, Tulsa Police Department is continuing to analyze local law enforcement response and see if they can learn anything from these situations.
Whether it's a business, a restaurant, or a school, they want to make sure they are prepared.
“Their only responsibility is to stop the threat,” said Tulsa Police Captain Mike Eckert.
Eckert said the main goal of the first officers on scene is to get to the shooter and stop the violence.
He said they've been watching the tragedies over the weekend and analyzing law enforcement response to the situation.
"We're paying attention to that and putting ourselves into that type of scenario, that type of a scene,” said Eckert.
In Dayton, Ohio the shooting took place in a local bar district, which Eckert said he would compare to our downtown area, and sometimes you must get creative with your response.
"Sometimes we can get real close to it and sometimes we have to get out further away, sometimes you have to use some tactical movement to get closer to where we can encounter the shooter," said Eckert.
He said it’s also important for officers to be familiar with their areas so they know where people could go.
"It’s worth your time and effort to go by there and take a look at where the entrances and exits are and where your best avenue of approach would be,” said Eckert.
Nearly 3 thousand people were in a crowded El Paso Walmart this weekend when a gunman opened fire killing at least 20 people.
There were people of all ages inside and Eckert said it's important to have a plan in mind, no matter where you are.
"You can do anything within your means to defend yourself," said Captain Eckert.
Captain Eckert encourages people watch the Run, Hide, Fight video on YouTube just to make sure you're prepared if you were ever in this type of situation.
You can watch that video here.
August 6th, 2019
November 13th, 2024
October 28th, 2024
March 21st, 2025