Tuesday, April 16th 2019, 9:09 pm
A teenager in Wagoner County is being praised for his bravery after helping deputies catch a man with felony warrants. The man was running from deputies when he was tackled by the teenager.
When a deputy tried to stop and arrest Skylar Koons, they say he took off running. What Koons didn't realize was a 16-year-old who just happens to live in the neighborhood was watching.
Sometimes help can come from unexpected places. That is exactly what happened this week, when a Wagoner County Deputy tried to arrest a man wanted on felony warrants. Officers say the suspect, Skylar Koons, took off running through a neighborhood while a 16-year-old wrestling star watched from his driveway.
"I see the guy right over there across the street. He is running away from the cop," said Aundra Rhea, Good Samaritan.
"I look over to my dad and say, 'should I help him?' He said 'yeah' so I got out of the truck and I went to that alleyway."
Aundra tackled Koons a few houses up the road and then held him down while he waited for deputies.
"It looked like some WWE stuff to be honest with you. I just came behind him and I sort of tackled him, but I made his face go in to the mud you know?" Aundra said.
His neighbors say Aundra is just that kind of kid, always helping other people out.
"He come over with his big mower, and he mowed my front of my yard," said neighbor Sue Morgan.
"It's really nice to know that kids have something good to do and not something bad, so I'm pretty proud of him!"
But Aundra says helped because he felt like it was the right thing to do - and doing the right thing, even if it feels a little crazy at the time, is how he was raised.
"I don't like living in a bad town. So I like to help out a lot. That's how I'm raised," said Aundra Rhea.
"We have a 16-year-old person who in his heart is just trying to help law enforcement do the right thing. I think that speaks volumes about his honor and his integrity," said Wagoner County Sheriff Chris Elliot.
Elliot actually told Aundra that when he turns 18, he wants him to apply for a job at the sheriff's office. The sheriff is also warning people that what Aundra did is dangerous, and he does not encourage others to do the same.
April 16th, 2019
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