Thursday, June 7th 2018, 6:04 pm
A group of Tulsa kids is turning a negative comment about their community into works of art.
The story started when the executive director of South Tulsa Community House Karen Streeter saw a message written in chalk on the sidewalk as she left work.
"I just looked over and I noticed it and I thought, wait a minute, that says nobody cares," said Streeter.
Most people wouldn’t pay much attention to these ten letters scribbled on a Tulsa sidewalk but they stuck out like a neon sign to Karen Streeter.
"It just broke my heart. I just sat there, I mean I started tearing up." Said Streeter.
The South Tulsa Community House works every day to give low-income people in South Tulsa the services they need to get back on their feet again.
"I know people who are committed to this community both from the outside and from the inside who are trying to do things every day to make a difference," Said Streeter.
Streeter messaged Emma Smith, who does ministry work at the nearby Savannah Landing Apartments through Kirk of the Hills Church.
"Gosh, I wish we had some chalk and we could respond to them with a little love tomorrow. And she sends me a message back saying, I was just thinking the same thing and I have chalk." Said Streeter.
The next day, Emma took a group of kids from Savannah Landing over to the sidewalk.
"I asked the kids, I said how do we respond to this, everybody has felt like no one cares at one time. What would you like to hear?" said Smith.
The kids filled the sidewalk with words of encouragement and love. It's a small action they hope sends a powerful message.
“Some people can get really hurt from people saying we don't care because like, what if people are having rough times? I care," Said 11-year-old Asia Zachary.
If you would like to show support, by donating to the South Tulsa Community House Food Pantry or help in some other way you can click here to learn more.
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