Friday, March 30th 2018, 7:02 pm
As teachers across the state prepare for a walkout Monday, one state legislator spent the day substitute teaching in Jenks.
Representative Scott McEachin accepted a challenge from middle school history teacher Pam Smucker. The goal was to help lawmakers understand the work teachers are doing in the classroom.
McEachin said it's been a while since he stepped into the classroom.
"I left my last classroom when I had my last law school class in the spring of 1976," he said.
Friday, the state representative spent the day as a substitute teacher at Jenks Middle School and taught a variety of classes - from special education to pre-advanced placement topics.
"These kids are gonna rely on me today to impart what they need to know today. I'm gonna try to meet that challenge," he said.
Smucker said, "I think if you're gonna vote and make decisions about something, you should be aware of what you're actually making decisions for."
The middle school history teacher challenged lawmakers to spend one day teaching a class to see what teachers go through each day.
3/16/2018 Related Story: Jenks Teacher Challenges Legislators To Substitute Teach
Smucker said how McEachin felt as a first-time sub is similar to how emergency certified teachers feel in class.
"The 1,800-plus emergency certified people we have in classrooms could be very much like him. Are they really ready to step into a classroom," she said.
As teachers get ready to walk out Monday, McEachin said this is something all lawmakers should consider doing.
"I think there's nothing like doing something to understand it," he said.
McEachin said he hopes to come back and teach another class sometime before the end of the year.
March 30th, 2018
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