Wednesday, July 8th 2020, 5:16 pm
After Tuesday night's city council meeting, an 8-1 vote approved a mask ordinance to be put into place.
“At this day in age, you wear a seat belt and you wear a face covering,” said Norman Mayor Breea Clark.
Read More: Norman City Council Approves Face Mask Mandate
Clark said with this upcoming school year, this will set a precedent for all the young adults making their way to the college town. Clark acknowledged that there are some people who do not agree with the new mandate, but she said you can’t argue with science.
“It is a big deal and it is a big deal because it works,” said Clark. “There is an 85% reduction in transmission if people wear facial coverings.”
With the new mandate, residents are required to wear their mask into public businesses, accommodations and settings, especially where social distancing cannot take place.
“If you want to enter a business and you don’t want to wear a mask, we have now empowered businesses,” said Clark. “Like the no shirt, no shoes, no service. They now have an ordinance to point to and say, 'no, I am sorry we are not going to allow the endangering of other customers and our employee.'”
There are exemptions to the rule.
“We have exempted children under the age of 5,” said Clark. “So, 6 and above will need to wear a masks, there are also mental and physical conditions that there are exemptions for.”
July 8th, 2020
December 29th, 2021
August 20th, 2021
March 13th, 2025
March 13th, 2025