Tuesday, February 2nd 2021, 5:47 am
Oklahoma City Schools is sending its middle and high school students back inside the classroom for the first time this semester on a staggered A/B Schedule.
These students have only been in school for one week since March of 2020.
Fifth through 12th - grade students who are in Group A will be learning inside the classroom Tuesday and Thursday, while Group B students learn online.
Group B students will get their turn to learn in-person Wednesday then come back again on Friday.
Group A and B both kicked off their week learning virtually on Monday. The district says the plan is designed like that to help teachers lay out the plan for the week.
The district's youngest students went back to in-person learning a couple of weeks ago.
"We feel very confident that we have taken care of the of safety steps we need to take care of,” said OKCPS Superintendent Dr. Sean McDaniel. “We've addressed a lot of areas of safety so that we can present a safe environment for all of our kids and all of our teachers and staff. "
OKCPS said it will do its part to keep everyone safe, but it's counting on families to talk to with students about COVID safety.
“It is important that we take masking up seriously. It's important that we practice good hygiene. It's important at every opportunity we're washing our hands and that we observe and maintain social distancing.” Said Dr. McDaniel.
The district is also changing its curbside meal pickup sites to adjust for staffing. You can find that information here.
February 2nd, 2021
March 8th, 2022
January 21st, 2022
January 13th, 2022
March 9th, 2025
March 9th, 2025