Tuesday, March 23rd 2021, 11:05 pm
Good Samaritans stopped a man as he reportedly ambushed a woman and allegedly tried to rape her Tuesday morning, according to authorities.
Del City police said while the woman in her 20’s was badly shaken; she was grateful so many people stepped in to help.
“I hate to imagine how it would have gone if someone hadn't intervened,” said Major Bradley Rule.
Early Tuesday morning drivers on Southeast 44th Street and Clendon Way witnessed an assault in progress.
911: He was attacking the female?
Caller: He was on top of her holding her down.
“The victim told us she was walking down the sidewalk when the suspect walked up behind her. He was able to rip her backpack off of her, then able to pull her pants down, throw her on the ground,” said Rule.
According to police, the woman was blindsided.
“She didn’t even see it coming, he approached her from the back, she couldn’t react,” said Rule.
Thankfully witnesses did.
“He said he saw the man attack her and knew he had to step in,” said Rule.
Police said witnesses placed themselves in harm’s way in order to save the woman.
“As the passerby approached, he was yelling at him, telling him leave the woman alone, the suspect produced a knife,” said Rule.
Investigators said as the Good Samaritan fought away 47-year-old Ricky Stoner, others were on the phone with 911, helping them track Stoner who was soon caught.
Records show Stoner has a criminal history, being convicted of multiple crimes ranging from domestic assault to eluding police.
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