Monday, May 31st 2021, 4:21 pm
Monday, through the day people made their way over to the Fort Gibson National Cemetery to pay their respects on Memorial Day.
“Memories of my dad and the other people in my family that were military and are no longer with us. It’s a day to pay those respects to those people who went before us and gave us those freedoms," said Gleyn Barrett.
Barrett is a veteran who served in the Vietnam War. He comes from a military family and was out at Fort Gibson National Cemetery to show respect for the men and women who died while serving in the military.
“Look around and look at these markers. Look at these people. Look at them and really look at them and read them, see who they were and what they did for you," said Barrett.
On the other side of the cemetery, people gathered for the Memorial Day Ceremony.
“But to be able to come out and pay our respects in a setting like this I mean it’s nice. It’s really nice. It’s important to us to be able to do that," said Bill Rhoades.
This year’s ceremony is closed to the public because of the pandemic and it’s also the last one Bill Rhoades will organize as the Fort Gibson and Fort Sill National Cemetery Director.
“It’s bittersweet. You know the last three years have been interesting with the flooding and the pandemic,” said Rhoades.
Rhoades and Barrett hope people take some time to remember those who lost their lives and continue to educate the next generation.
“Every year thunderbird academy comes in and they put our flags down on the Thursday before memorial day. It’s important for our youth to know that their freedoms aren’t free. We have so many veterans that have sacrificed so much," said Rhoades.
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