Sunday, November 27th 2022, 7:00 pm
A local glass company is getting people together this holiday season for an ornament workshop.
Making memories is what makes the holiday special. The owner of Tulsa Stained Glass says making these ornaments started after being gifted something special as a kid.
Richard Bohm owns Tulsa Stained Glass Company. The company has been making custom stained-glass windows, doing repairs, and teaching classes since 1975.
Every year during the holiday season, people sign up to take a class where they get to make special glass ornaments. This year, a new type of item has been added to this class that allows participants to make memory rings.
Bohm says he came up with this class after remembering being gifted a special glass ornament from his family when he was younger. He said he hopes these memory rings can be a keepsake for many.
"We are hoping that these memory ornaments these memory rings have that same thing because we know as people, we want to have experiences we can treasure and take from childhood up or from up down to childhood to create something special," Bohm said.
These workshops will be going on throughout the holiday season.
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