Friday, December 23rd 2022, 11:06 am
These temperatures are nothing to play around in but what about those that can’t escape the cold?
Farming is an integral part of Oklahoma’s economy, many farmers preparing for months for this cold snap.
“It’s a challenge sometimes but…it is just what we do all the time,” Joe Parker, the Owner of Highland Ranch in Talala Oklahoma, said.
Farmers around the state are braving the cold to take care of their livestock.
“We’re just trying to keep them healthy, keep them going, keep them warm,” Parker said.
“It’s a challenge because people don’t want to be out during those temperatures,” Kristy Wicker, the Education & Communications Manager for The WildCare Foundation, said.
These temperatures can be especially harsh on young cattle.
“I’ll drive by as we’re going through each pasture; we will be looking for newborns making sure if they are too cold, we’ll bring them in, get them warmed back up,” Parker said.
“If shelter isn’t possible, building a wind block to protect the animals the best you can from the elements that can be helpful. Also, some thick brush if the animals can get down to some thick brush that could protect them from wind or rain,” Lee Benson, the Public Information Officer for the Oklahoma Department of Agriculture, Food & Forestry, said.
Below-freezing temperatures can also cause a threat to their water source.
“One of the primary things I think that animals need during the winter is access to fresh water. When our temperatures get this cold natural water resources like creeks and streams can freeze up,” Wicker said.
“If you can get to the water source and heat it up a little bit to make sure it’s not icing up, that may want to help the animals want to drink more to stave off potential dehydration,” Benson said.
Feeding more regularly can also help animals stay warm.
“As they’re processing that hay and that feed it warms them up from the inside out, as long as you’re giving them plenty to eat,” Parker said.
Due to the cold weather, the Department of Agriculture said it’s also a good idea to work in pairs if possible.
December 23rd, 2022
March 18th, 2025
March 25th, 2025