Wednesday, March 8th 2023, 4:22 pm
Meals On Wheels of Metro Tulsa is trying to feed more than 2,000 clients and they say they hope this will build their volunteer’s long term.
Tish Stuart has been a volunteer off and on for the past three years and says she enjoys it and it's a great way to spend your time.
"It is uplifting because you know you're doing good and it's just so organized that you feel like you are using your time well," Stuart said.
She says the process is easy and what keeps her coming back, is meeting sweet people, and knowing she's helping them.
"We come; we pick up the meals here. They're already ready for us, organized by the exact routes we're doing and then we load them," Stuart said.
Scott Copeland, director of volunteer services, says they are looking for students, families, and even school faculty who want to come volunteer during spring break. He says this is a great way to give back to the community while spending time with family and friends.
"Delivering meals as a family to seniors and disabled homebound throughout Tulsa is a fantastic way to build those precious memories,” Copeland said.
Volunteers must have their own transportation and have one family member registered who is at least 18 years old.
"Beyond spring break, we hope to keep those families engaged as new volunteers,” Copeland said.
Many of the volunteers say it warms their hearts to see people waiting for their meals to be delivered.
"Part of what we do is check on them, ask them how are you doing today, is there anything you need? I think this is a nice thing Meals on Wheels does," Stuart said.
These spring break volunteer opportunities will take place from March 13th through the 17th. Visit to sign up.
March 8th, 2023
January 28th, 2024
January 28th, 2024
May 27th, 2023
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March 25th, 2025