Monday, April 3rd 2023, 6:01 pm
**CONTENT WARNING: The video may be too disturbing for some viewers. Viewer discretion is advised.**
Videos posted on social media showed two boys beating, throwing and stomping on two dogs, prompting people to notify Oklahoma City Police.
Two videos of the attack were sent to News 9. The first clip showed a brown dog clinging onto a white dog in the middle backseat of a car while two boys sat to the left and right of them.
"****** hiding for dear life," one of the boys said in the video.
The boys then began punching the dogs.
"Stop trying to hide over Kingston," the other boy said as he smashed the brown dog onto the floor.
The video then showed that boy standing on the backseat and stomping on the white dog's head and repeatedly punching the yelping animal while the other boy laughed and punched the dog as well.
Despite the dog's sharp cries of pain, the boys kept attacking it.
The second video showed the white dog hiding under the driver's seat of the car while one of the boys punched it in the mouth.
Mitzi Brogdon, director of Street Dog Rescue and Recovery, alerted News 9 about the incident.
"People's first reaction is, 'I don't want to watch. I don't want to see that.' And I don't say it's fun to watch but more people need to know what's going on or nothing's going to change," said Brogdon, who rescues abused animals on a regular basis.
A viewer told News 9 that several people called police to file reports about the incident.
Oklahoma City Police said they forwarded information about the case to OKC Animal Welfare and were waiting to hear back from the shelter to see if police assistance was needed. OKC Animal Welfare Superintendent Jon Gary said the shelter was working with police to see which agency should be investigating the attack. The case was made more complicated because juveniles were involved, Gary said.
Because the attackers were juveniles who were not arrested or charged, News 9 blurred their faces and distorted their voices in the video.
There were also rumors online that the dogs were shot, but investigators did not confirm that information.
Brogdon stressed the phrase, 'If you see something, say something,' to help prevent similar attacks on animals.
"If you know about it and you don't say anything about it, you're complicit," said Brogdon. "No. 2, we need to ask our city attorneys and our lawmakers to start prosecuting this stuff."
The Oklahoma City Police Department was also working with OKC Animal Welfare to find whoever drowned four dogs at Edwards Park. As of Monday, there had not been an arrest in the case.
March 2nd, 2025
March 1st, 2025
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