Saturday, May 6th 2023, 3:10 pm
A Broken Arrow student created a 3D printed leg for a dog who lost his leg after being attacked by a wild animal.
The dog Kane is a rescue from Barc Rescue Oklahoma and is getting the chance to walk on all fours again.
11th grader Brooke Tyler says the process took more than 30 hours to create the prototype, but it's all worth it to help an animal in need.
Brooke Tyler is a student at Vanguard Academy and combines state of the art technology with her love for animals.
"Kind of something that I didn't think I could do. It makes me feel like there’s more ways to help the community and help animals without just kind of thinking about it and thinking it's impossible. Really helped me reach my limits," Broke said.
Barc Rescue founder Jamie Cope says Kane and four other puppies were dumped in Coweta.
"He's just remarkable. Some dogs are just really special. He's very special and resilient. I learn a lot from the dogs," Jamie said.
Brooke volunteers at the rescue and told Jamie about her project to make a 3D printed prosthetic leg.
"I just got really excited. I knew that Kane would be a perfect candidate," Jamie said.
Brooke said the first step was creating a mold of Kane's body which she then scanned into an app with her phone.
Brooke taught herself how to build a prototype cage from the mold which will eventually attach a 3D printed leg.
"I feel like it was definitely an obstacle I've learned to overcome with my age having definitely been looked down on by a lot of adults. I feel like overcoming that issue helped me a lot with 'I'm just as good as everyone else. I can do things everyone else does,'" Brooke said.
Brooke said she will try with a more flexible material which will print this weekend and be ready next week.
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