Saturday, July 22nd 2023, 10:23 pm
The Verdigris community came together to remember the victims of a triple murder-suicide where police found three children between the ages of nine months and 11 years old dead.
It was an emotional evening after loved ones on Saturday gathered to pay their respects to the victims 11-year-old Noe, 5-year-old Bryce, and 9-month-old Billy.
A community in mourning is sharing a moment they hoped to never experience.
Memorials now stand in the front yard that neighbors say will be reminders of where they once watched the children play.
Billy Jacobson Sr., the father of one of the boys who was killed, says he knew something like this would happen because it almost happened earlier this year.
"There was an incident in January where Brandy tried to commit suicide and they actually had to wrestle the gun out of her hand. Her nephew did and it was unsafe. I knew. I went and filed for emergency custody," Jacobson said.
He says the courts ordered supervised visits after Billy's mother received therapy, but he still didn't think it was safe for his son.
He says they went back to court, but the results were not what he thought they would be.
"She just asked. She said 'can I... can I have unsupervised visitation with my son back?' And he just gave it to her," Jacobson said.
Police say the visit on Thursday was to be supervised, but it didn't stop Brandy McCaslin from killing her three kids and herself.
"There was nothing I could do and I basically watched my son fade from my hands because I knew something was going to happen and no one would help us," Jacobson said.
He says he believes the children never should have been in the custody of McCaslin.
"We gotta have some checks and balances and some accountability when it comes to mental health in this state because as it sits now it cost my baby his life and cost two of the kids I considered my children their lives too," Jacobson said.
Relatives are calling for lawmakers to make changes to prevent this from happening again.
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