Monday, November 13th 2023, 8:22 pm
Retired Master Chief Larry Van Schuyver is a proud Navy veteran.
“I was blessed to serve thirty-two years, and eight months and sixteen days not that I was counting,” said Schuyver.
In his thirty-two years of service, he received thirty-two medals, including two Purple Hearts and a Bronze Star. But after his retirement came his awakening. “It started ten years ago when I found out a couple of widows, what they were living on every month, that they had to make a choice between keeping their lights on, or food,” said Schutver.
Heartbroken, he was determined to help. “This knucklehead thought, well I’ll pay that. Then I had to figure out how to pay for it,” said Schuyver.
That was the start of his nonprofit. “We have our building fund where we’ll build a ramp, and do minor home repairs,” said Schuyver.
They also host food drives, and he started a military apparel company making hats, t-shirts, and patches for veterans. “One hundred percent of our profits from all our sales, online sales or in-person sales, we donate to our fellow veterans,” said Schuyver.
With his big heart and all his work, it didn’t take long for the people here at Bob Moore and the OSU athletic department to take notice. “We wanted to recognize and give the recipient an experience that they wouldn’t be able to get otherwise,” said George Miller, General manager of Bob Moore Buick GMC.
It’s called the Hometown Heroes, a partnership between Bob Moore Auto Group and OUS athletics, and Mr. Schuyver was the perfect candidate. “It seems like the people are always in the shadows that we are recognizing, and they don’t really expect it,” said Miller.
Mr. Schuyver, an OSU grad, was invited to an OSU football game for the VIP game day treatment. “We will go down on the field, we’ll give the recipient a hometown hero jersey,” said Miller.
He also received an unscripted surprise. “I looked over and coach Gundy came across the field and gave me a hug and shook my hand,” said Schuyver.
They will be honoring hometown heroes throughout the entire school year, during some of the basketball, baseball, softball, and other sports games. To nominate a deserving hero visit
November 13th, 2023
March 12th, 2025
March 19th, 2025
March 19th, 2025