Friday, February 9th 2024, 6:33 pm
The City of Tulsa is planning to add 12 new speedbumps to a busy neighborhood road.
Some people living along East 23rd Street between Yale and Harvard say the speedbumps are much needed, but others disagree.
The city has already added speedbumps along Pittsburgh starting at 21st Street. The plan is to add more to the area, along 23rd Street which directly connects Yale to Harvard.
Each of the 12 speedbumps is designed to cover the roadways and slow down drivers.
“Sometimes people are a little too close for comfort or they speed up or just something unpredictable,” said Otto Stevenson, a man who walks in the neighborhood.
Others think there are too many fast drivers.
“I’m concerned that we have a lot of people that go out walking,” said Ruth Ives, another resident. “They walk their dogs, they walk their kids. I just think it’s unsafe to go those speeds.”
Not everyone shares the excitement. The proposal calls for one of the new speedbumps to be placed outside Bobby Campbell’s house.
“I carry a trailer every now and then,” said Campbell. “It makes it rough going up and down these streets hitting those bumps.”
Jennifer Welch is in a similar situation. She thinks the stop signs are doing enough.
“Having a speedbump right in front of our house that’s right next to a stop sign, it’s a waste of taxpayer money,” said Welch.
The city gave the green light to the project after enough people living in the neighborhood signed a petition to get the speedbumps installed.
It says a survey looking at the number of cars and their speeds showed that safety measures are needed.
People in the neighborhood have the chance to give their thoughts on the project during a Feb. 20th meeting at the Church of Madalene near 21st and Harvard.
February 9th, 2024
March 25th, 2025
March 25th, 2025
March 25th, 2025