Thursday, February 29th 2024, 5:38 pm
The Edmond City Council declared a rundown property that houses veterans a public nuisance.
Council members voted unanimously on the declaration against The New Life Village in Edmond. Council Member Tom Robins says the property is unsafe and not secure, putting the lives of veterans and the community at risk. “Our city has grace but what we don't have is enough grace to start abusing veterans or children,” Robins said.
The Ward 1 Councilman believes that is happening at the property located at 1300 E. Ayers Street, just east of the University of Central Oklahoma where 20 veterans call home. It’s also less than a mile from an elementary school. “There's nothing worse than a property owner who wraps himself in the flag when they're not providing a safe clean environment for those veterans,” Robins said. “It's my duty and responsibility to do all that we can to have a safe clean environment for veterans and for the kids that are walking to and from school in this neighborhood.”
Robins says the city has issued over 100 fines and code violations totaling more than $30,000 that the property owner has yet to pay. Deric Duncan, the commander of the Oklahoma VFW District 9, says the veterans are living in deplorable conditions. “There's always a promise it's going to get better without delivery,” Duncan said. “There are stacks of soiled mattresses, broken windows, the elevators not working, the fire suppression system is not up to code, so if a fire would break out there, we're jeopardizing every one of these veteran’s lives.”
The property is also a hub for crime with police responding to the building 62 times in the past 90 days, according to Robins. He said the public nuisance declaration should change that. “We told them they can't have any new residents; they have to have 24/7-armed cleat certified security, they need to have a secure location they need to put security cameras up, and start doing some of these basic things so that we don't continue to have crime, drugs and other things happening.”
In the meantime, the VFW and American Legion Post 111 are asking property owners to come forward. “There's a voucher system, they'll get paid for it,” Duncan said. “A landlord stepping up and taking these vouchers impacts the lives of these veterans in ways they will never know. They get a permanent address which allows them to get VA medical care, allows them to get VA benefits.”
The legion is putting together a registry of qualified properties. “We want them to have a stable, safe environment and we want to help them get the benefits they've so hard-earned,” said Rex Ice, American Legion Post 111 Commander.
The property owner has until March 11 to address the issues. Meanwhile, if you are a property owner and want to help, contact the American Legion Post 111 in Edmond.
February 29th, 2024
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March 25th, 2025