Wednesday, March 6th 2024, 10:19 am
The OU International Student Advisory Committee held the International Royalty Pageant this week comprising of five students from around the globe.
The five contestants from five different countries, all representing their cultures and talents to represent the international student body at the University of Oklahoma.
Teddy Diallo, a senior from Burkina Faso studying computer science, said she was excited to have been able to take part.
“I have a traditional dress from home I've had since 2017," Diallo said. "I'm very excited to showcase, and I think it will be fun. Basically I am excited about everything.”
The pageant, comprised of four sections, included a talent portion as well as a chance for contestants to present their platforms to improve the lives of others. Diallo's platform: to create an online directory compiling useful information for other international students.
"For my platform, I’m working on something that connects both my technical skills in computer science and something that can be useful to the international student community,” Diallo said.
Although Diallo wasn't crowned at the pageant, she said the event is still important.
“[We are] all coming to do something that improves that community," Diallo said. "I think for us it is a very big time for people to bring to life new ideas.”
The advisory committee will now spend 2024 helping the winner put together their proposed idea.
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