Friday, March 8th 2024, 5:15 pm
There is another legal battle between the governor and the attorney general.
Governor Kevin Stitt and three of his cabinet secretaries are suing the AG over his opinion saying one person can only hold one public office at a time. “We think the AG misapplied the law. This opinion- it's a head-scratcher,” said Gov. Kevin Stitt.
In a press conference Friday morning, News 9 asked the governor about the lawsuit. Stitt cited state statute, saying he thinks the law is clear. “Here's what the statute says: A cabinet secretary may be appointed as a cabinet secretary from among the agency heads within the cabinet area,” said Gov. Kevin Stitt.
But, the Attorney General has a different opinion. Attorney General Gentner Drummond ruled last week that Tim Gatz, who was serving as Secretary of Transportation, and Executive Director of the Oklahoma Turnpike Authority and Oklahoma Department of Transportation, could hold one of those positions but not all three. “The AG's opinion has created extreme confusion,” said Stitt.
The opinion was specifically for Tim Gatz, but three of Stitt's other cabinet members: Secretary of Agriculture Blayne Arthur, Secretary of Human Services Deb Shropshire, and Secretary of Tourism, Wildlife and Heritage Shelley Zumwalt, also hold agency titles. Those three secretaries also have their names on the lawsuit.
“We need clarity across the board so that's why we need the courts to let us know what does that mean, what does that statute mean,” said Stitt.
The governor thinks dual offices are the most efficient way to do things. “Why wouldn't I have secretary Blaine Arthur who runs the Department of Ag be my advisor on agriculture issues?” questioned Stitt.
Stitt also points to past governors, saying there have been dual-office holders for decades. He says he’s willing to make a change if needed, he just wants clarity across the board. “In Oklahoma, if something is changed and we can't call them secretaries we need to call them advisors, that's fine. Just tell me what the rules are,” said Stitt.
Attorney General Gentner Drummond said in a statement, he stands “behind his legally binding opinion and welcomes the opportunity to respond to the lawsuit in a future filing.”
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