Thursday, April 25th 2024, 9:40 pm
"I can't fathom the way this was handled," said Britny Pittman, a Jenks mom.
Some parents in Jenks are upset after they believe the school district mishandled an incident involving a substitute teacher.
The parents claim their daughters feel shamed, dismissed and not believed after coming forward about inappropriate interactions they had with the sub.
Pittman said she got a call from a school counselor Tuesday, just before pick up at 2 p.m.
The counselor on the call told her that her 13-year-old daughter had been made "uncomfortable" by a substitute.
She said she was never told about any physical contact or if any other students had reported the behavior.
When Pittman asked her daughter about the incident, the story had a lot more to it.
"She let me know that the substitute was rubbing her back from her shoulder blades to her pants and just rubbing her back asking her about sports and made a comment about her in short shorts. So, I asked her, did you tell the counselor that he rubbed your back and that's what made you uncomfortable? And she said "Yeah I told her everything I told you." Pittman said.
"The campus police were never notified by the school, another mother contacted me and let me know that she contacted the police and had given them my information," Pittman said.
Pittman did eventually make a police report.
In the report, along with the physical contact, there were phrases that were said to other students.
Those phrases included:
"That's a tight sport, and made a comment about my short shorts."
"He moved my bra strap and asked if I play any sports."
"He said the D-word, you have a big breath" about another teen blowing bubbles in the class.
"So we were just kind of confused, like why wasn't that what you led with?? You're daughter was touched and that's what made her uncomfortable," Pittman said.
Jenks Schools sent a response to the allegations saying they mishandled the situation:
On Tuesday, students at West Intermediate came forward and expressed concerns about the behavior of a substitute teacher. Those concerns were addressed immediately by the administrators and counselors at West Intermediate. An investigation was conducted, and statements were given by students. Parents of students involved were notified. Staff members responded quickly and appropriately to address these students’ concerns in accordance with policies and procedures outlined by the JPS Police Department and the JPS Human Resources Department. The statements provided by students and the details disclosed in those statements are considered educational records and will not be released. The substitute teacher will not return to Jenks Public Schools.
Any claims of West Intermediate ignoring students or “brushing it under the rug” are false. Nothing is more important than the safety and well-being of our students. As a public school district, JPS must balance the public’s desire for information, while following the laws governing the confidentiality of personnel matters. Jenks Public Schools contracts with a third-party organization to hire and place substitute teachers. All substitutes must pass required background checks and adhere to District expectations.
While Pittman wants administrators to change the way they handle incidents like this, she is grateful for the educators who never questioned the teens who reported it.
"Her teachers, the ones that acted quickly, I know will keep her safe. Again, I want to repeat that this was an administrative issue and they dropped the ball." said Pittman.
April 25th, 2024
March 21st, 2025
March 21st, 2025
March 21st, 2025
March 21st, 2025
March 21st, 2025