Monday, August 12th 2024, 9:46 pm
State Representative Chris Banning, who represents Bixby, criticized State Superintendent Ryan Walters' comments about Bixby Public Schools two weeks ago.
Bixby Superintendent Rob Miller questioned why the district hadn't received its federal funding last month.
Walters responded by calling Miller a clown and a liar, saying the funding was not late and said the Bixby school district had financial issues.
Banning and two other Republican state lawmakers called Walters' behavior unbecoming of any leader.
They said school superintendents give valuable insights into local issues but Walters refuses to listen or take responsibility.
A spokesperson for the State Department of Education said Bixby's superintendent is lying about Walters and should be more concerned about getting Bixby's finances in order.
Miller said the OSDE notified the district it will get funding estimates by Wednesday.
The district says it is financially sound.
March 21st, 2025
March 21st, 2025
March 21st, 2025