Tuesday, September 3rd 2024, 6:47 pm
Several new additions are coming to the area near Highway 75 and Highway 20 in Collinsville.
There isn't much to see right now across this empty land along Highway 20 just east of Highway 75 in Collinsville.
This heavy machinery is pushing dirt toward the future.
“There's development all over the place, I live just off 136th, and there's several developments going in along 136th,” said Leslie Stanfill.
Stanfill lives about a mile from the intersection and has watched houses pop up around town. He figured retail development would follow.
“That doesn't surprise me any — the Sonic's busy — it's right here out in the middle of nowhere, kind of, but it's busy,” he said.
The city has also kept an eye on the growth — and there are no signs of slowing down.
“Home builds are up, school — the population is up, so now, with this, being able to add amenities to this area is just going to take us over the top,” said Collinsville Economic Development Director Jason George.
He says the first development of the land will be the city's second fire station. George says this will benefit homeowners with faster response times and better insurance numbers.
Plans for several new businesses are also on the way.
Developers with the retail project say it has been years of planning, and one of the only obstacles has been waiting for the Highway 20 expansion project to finish.
Crews are still working on some stormwater infrastructure, but developer Daniel Hamra says people can expect to see the progress for themselves soon.
The hope is to bring restaurants and other stores to the area, but specific details have not yet been released.
“We're trying to keep it local as much as we can, but with the lots that are for sale, it could be anybody that reaches out and asks about a space,” Hamra said.
Hamra thinks his development will be the first of many for the intersection.
September 3rd, 2024
March 27th, 2025
March 27th, 2025
March 27th, 2025
March 27th, 2025
March 27th, 2025