Monday, September 30th 2024, 7:10 am
Plans are still moving ahead for the Oklahoma Pop Museum in downtown Tulsa - and they just received some items from the hit TV show "Walker Texas Ranger."
One of the leaders of OKPOP says the two main priorities are fundraising and expanding the museum's collections.
Governor Stitt signed Senate Bill 1155, establishing a fund to hold $18 million until matching funds are raised for OKPOP.
Executive Director Jake Krumwiede says they are in the silent phase of their fundraising campaign and hope to move into the public phase later this year.
In the meantime - they will continue acquiring collection pieces to feature different stories of Oklahomans who have impacted pop culture, including Chuck Norris' costumes and props from "Walker Texas Ranger."
Norris was born in Ryan, Oklahoma. Krumwiede says receiving these items will help them visually tell these stories.
“It’s such a part of my childhood and I always loved as a kid seeing other Oklahomans in film and television, and so, it always just kind of resonated with me. So, I love this collection. It really tells a story of Oklahoma and pop culture," Krumwiede said.
Krumwiede says the third floor of the museum will focus on music and the second floor will focus on film and television.
There is still no word on when the museum hopes to open to the public.
September 30th, 2024
March 12th, 2023
July 11th, 2022
March 21st, 2025