Tuesday, March 4th 2014, 9:23 pm
Yesterday, a House vote to extend the state rebate to movie makers for 10 more years narrowly failed. I called it short-sighted and several of you wrote in including Caleb a film student from Fairview.
Caleb says: "Having something to reimburse film-makers would be a great incentive to studios and independent film makers alike. It would spark competition, which would only be good for the economy."
But David from Seminole doesn't like what Hollywood's putting out and writes: "If we follow your logic here of just looking at money flowing in then we should open a marijuana shop right next to a house of prostitution."
That's a little over the top.
Mike in Moore writes: "Business is business, if we give them a pecan and they give us a pecan pie what's the problem"
Bill responded to opponents of the rebate program who didn't like the film August Osage County and said: "I hope they understand where the film is made is irrelevant to how Oklahomans are portrayed so why not benefit from it economically."
And Dean says: "If the members of the House are not smart enough to recognize the value of this program it is time for us, the tax paying voters, to make smarter decisions when election time comes around."
Here's an update, the author of the bill Todd Thomsen of Ada told me he brought up the Film Rebate Extension for a vote again today and it passed 65-28 and appears to be well on its way to becoming law.
I'm Kelly Ogle and that's YOUR 2 Cents.
March 4th, 2014
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