Monday, February 17th 2014, 10:20 pm
Jim Gardner and Bob Mills SkyNews 9 HD was in the air Monday as wildfires broke out across the state. The wildfire danger is high and Monday, some people across the metro tried to give firefighters a helping hand.
Gusty winds, warmer temps, and low humidity is expected to hang around during the late mornings and afternoons this week. About three acres of grass were on fire nearly destroying several homes near S.E. 44th and Sooner Rd.
2/17/2014 Related Story: Crews Put Out Grass Fire In SE OKC
"This is right in the middle of a neighborhood now," Jim Gardner said from Bob Mills SkyNews 9 HD.
"Came out of my apartment, and there's this big cloud of smoke right here," said resident Austin Martin. "My first reaction was the houses back there."
For a moment, OKC firefighters struggled as gusting winds pushed the wildfire towards the housing addition.
"They're having trouble getting across to this back yard," Gardner said.
Homeowners began dousing the flames with garden hoses to keep the fire from reaching their homes.
"I figured I'd hook up my water hose, and help them out a little bit," said homeowner, David Snider. "I was scared my back gate and fence was gone catch on fire, let alone the neighbor's house."
"Now you can see it has jumped the fence here," Gardner said.
"And then we saw smoke over our fence," Snider's 5-year-old grandson said.
"And I thought it was inside my house," Lisa Snider said.
David and Lisa Snider and their grandchildren immediately evacuated their home, as David rushed to the back yard and got their water hose.
"It was really scary," said Lisa. "I mean, I've never experience that before."
"We caught a break on a couple of different occasions on this," OKC Fire Battalion Chief Mike Walker said.
Walker said the Del City Fire Department was driving by, saw the smoke, and starting fighting the fire before OKC fire fighters arrived.
"I'm glad the fire department was pretty close, because if the wind had been blowing like yesterday or last night, this could have been a lot lot worse," David Snider added.
Fire crews had the fire out before it could cause any major damage to homes.
OKC fire officials told us the fire was under control within 15 minutes but also said it could have been so much worse.
The cause is under investigation.
February 17th, 2014
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