Thursday, May 26th 2011, 11:03 pm
Dana Hertneky, News 9
MULHALL, Oklahoma -- The Ryan Hamil story is one where almost everyone wants to do something to help.
Pam Howard of Mulhall says that opportunity fell right out of the sky.
She found a lot of tornado debris in the fields surrounding her Mullhall home. But while she was out feeding her sheep Wednesday she ran across a rare treasure.
"I thought ‘oh my gosh,' somebody lost their little baby's picture'," said Howard. "I turned it over and up in the very corner it said Ryan Andrew Hamil, five months. It just broke my heart, cause I thought ‘oh my gosh this is the little boy that's missing.'"
Pam contacted News 9 to see if we could get the picture back to Ryan Hamil's family.
Pam is not the only person to find a stranger's precious memories in her yard. Tornado debris is littered across central Oklahoma and many of those who find pictures and other sentimental valuables are anxious to return them to their owners.
To facilitate that, a Facebook page called "Tornado OK: Missing Items" has been set up.
The Cashion City Hall has also set up a clearing house where people can drop off pictures and valuables they find.
Many people like Pam hope they can provide comfort for a family who's lost almost everything, and perhaps do something to ease their pain.
"It's in really good condition and I really want to give it back to the family."
News 9 did contact the Hamil family. They were grateful to get the picture back and they gave us an address where Pam could mail it.
May 26th, 2011
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