Tuesday, June 28th 2022, 6:36 am
Tuesday is Primary Election Day in Oklahoma and every registered voter has something to cast a ballot for.
It’s the first election since the 2020 census was used to redraw election lines, so voters are urged to check their precincts before heading out the door.
“It is critical, again, because of redistricting and because some precinct may have changed, that voters verify what precinct they’re in and where they’re voting places are, even if you think you know where you go to vote, even if you voted there at the school elections in April, there’s a possibility that it may have changed,” State Election Secretary Paul Ziriax said.
That information can be checked on the state’s voter portal by clicking here.
Ziriax also urges caution when sharing election claims online.
He said if voters see something off at a polling place, they should notify the precinct inspector or immediately contact the county election board.
Those phone numbers should be posted around the polling place.
Ziriax said many false election rumors have already made their rounds ahead of the election.
“Voters need to be wary of some reports out there, especially if you see it on social media. Because we’ve already experienced some in the school elections and other elections this year, some misinformation, where people falsely say there is voter suppression or say there was problems that are occurring, a further look and that isn’t the case,” Ziriax said.
He said while polling places and district lines may have changed, the state’s voter ID requirements haven’t.
Any state-recognized tribal or federal identification can be used, or the voter ID cards issued by county election boards.
Ziriax said if none of those are available, voters can sign an affidavit to cast a provisional ballot.
Polls are open from 7a.m. to 7 p.m.
Voters in line by 7 p.m. will be allowed to cast a ballot.
June 28th, 2022
September 20th, 2024
March 9th, 2025