Friday, March 3rd 2023, 5:32 pm
Students are among the many U.S. citizens who go to Washington each year to meet with their representatives in Congress and make their case for some form of support. And like two Oklahoma students who were in the Capitol Thursday, they are potential leaders of the future.
Melia Chandler and Chloe Shannon are cadets in the Civil Air Patrol's Oklahoma Wing. Both are from the Tulsa area and both were initially encouraged to join by their parents.
Shannon, a student at Union High School, comes from a military family and joined eagerly.
"I just fell in love with the program as a whole," Cadet Shannon said in an interview Thursday. "I love the aviation, I love the leadership, I love the camaraderie."
Cadet Chandler, who is home-schooled, was resistant at first.
"But after my first official meeting," Chandler said in an interview, "I ended up falling in love, and then here I am.
Chandler and Shannon are both part of the Riverside Composite Squadron, one of 15 CAP squadrons in Oklahoma.
"Their unit commanders nominate an outstanding cadet, or cadets," said Lt. Col. David McCollum, chief of staff of CAP's Oklahoma Wing.
McCollum explained that he and the Oklahoma Wing commander then conduct interviews to decide who to bring along to Civil Air Patrol’s National Legislative Day in Washington to meet with the state's congressional delegation.
"We educate [the lawmakers] on what’s happened in Oklahoma during the past fiscal year and what’s planned, what’s upcoming," said Lt. Col. McCollum, "and by bringing the cadets, it gives them a chance to see some of the youth of Oklahoma, and see what they’re doing."
On this brief trip, Chandler's first to Washington, she and Shannon did a lot -- walked the National Mall, visited the war memorials, and laid a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington National Cemetery.
And, of course, they made the rounds at the Capitol.
"I’ve really enjoyed just being able to talk to people who represent our state," said Chandler, "and it’s been really fun to be able to educate them on Civil Air Patrol."
Civil Air Patrol has three main missions -- providing emergency services like inland search and rescue, providing aerospace education, and the cadet program.
"It’s really had an impact," said Cadet Shannon,"and I can say it’s changed me entirely. I’ve grown so much from it and learned so much from this program."
"We try and encourage our cadets to go on to either an aviation related career, possible military career," said McCollum, "and if not, then something science or technology related."
And with Cadets Chandler and Shannon, it would appear to be 'mission accomplished'. Shannon said she wants to be a doctor, likely serving in the military, while Chandler said she wants to someday work in aviation maintenance.
March 3rd, 2023
March 26th, 2025
March 26th, 2025
March 26th, 2025