Friday, March 3rd 2023, 5:34 pm
A chaplain for Tulsa Police and the Fire Department was recently given the department’s life-saving award for going above and beyond to help a man who had just found his wife passed away in their home.
Jimmy Foreman has been serving people as a chaplain for more than 20 years and he was just doing what anyone would’ve done.
"You know lots of time we leave the scene and we are done,” Foreman said. “We were able to rally church family or friends but he had nobody. So, I just brought him home."
Along with being a chaplain, he is a youth minister. He tries to help those in need in any way he can.
"Everybody needs support no matter what walk of life you are in, but especially at those traumatic events we all need a good support system,” Foreman said.
Danny Lynchard oversees the TPD police chaplains and said Jimmy is always looking for the next opportunity to help someone in need.
“I don't know how he does everything,” Lynchard said.
There are many different roles that a police chaplain can offer the community and officers, and Lynchard thinks Foreman continues to redefine that role.
"That is who Jimmy is. He has been this way for years and a lot of our other chaplains would do the same thing and Jimmy would tell you that, but they do it because he stretches the limit and sets the example,” Lynchard said.
Foreman plans to continue serving his community for the years to come.
March 3rd, 2023
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March 13th, 2025
March 13th, 2025
March 13th, 2025
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