Wednesday, May 10th 2023, 6:21 pm
Around 1,300 people in Oklahoma were in motorcycle crashes in 2021. That’s why several groups are placing signs around Tulsa, warning drivers to watch out for motorcyclists on the roads.
"If these signs can help one person to pay attention, one person to be aware, that motorcycles are on the road, then it is all worth it,” Tulsa City Councilor, Crista Patrick, said.
Patrick’s mother loved to take rides on her motorcycle. But two years ago, she was hit and killed while riding.
"It was a life-altering day,” Patrick said.
Five signs will be placed in areas across Tulsa where motorcycle accidents have occurred.
James Clark has been riding for more than 60 years and thinks these signs are needed, because drivers often don’t pay attention to people on bikes.
“There’s a lot of our brothers and sisters that have been getting hurt and this creates an awareness,” Clark said.
Clark has also lost friends and loved ones in crashes. He likes to think this effort is a way to remember them, while keeping others safe in the future.
"Riding a motorcycle is a wonderful thing, but it isn’t without its cautions,” Clark said. “We are awfully glad that it’s finally coming into fruition."
Patrick hopes these signs will make a difference and hopes to add more in the future.
"If I can keep one daughter from getting the same phone call about a tragic accident, then I will lobby for a thousand signs,” Patrick said.
May 10th, 2023
March 26th, 2025
March 25th, 2025
March 25th, 2025
March 25th, 2025