Thursday, June 1st 2023, 10:25 pm
Saint Francis Hospital administrators are remembering the four innocent people murdered in the Natalie Building one year ago on June 1.
They said it is hard to believe it has already been a year since the shooting and healing from that day is still taking place.
CEO Dr. Cliff Robertson said June 1, 2022 changed the hospital. He said the wounds from that day will never fully heal and the lives taken will never be forgotten.
“Healing from this type of live changing trauma takes time,” said Robertson. “Quite frankly, [it] may be with them the rest of their earthly lives.”
Robertson said something that hasn’t charged is the 11,000 people making up the Saint Francis family. He said they are more committed than ever to caring for people in the community.
“I feared that our caregivers and staff, that our entire organization would harden and fill with fear, making it impossible for them to live out their calling,” said Robertson. “As we approach this terrible anniversary, I’m grateful that my fears have not been realized.”
Associate Chief Medical Officer Ryan Parker said she was in shock last June when she first talked publicly about the tragedy.
“In those first few hours and days, the adrenaline of the moment numbs the pain initially,” said Parker. “Despite the grief, we all had a sense of duty to still show up and take care of each other and of the community that needed us.”
Parker said she found comfort when glancing up at the wall to see the sacred heart of Jesus mosaic. She said she will never forget the lives taken, the bravery from first responders and the compassion from the community.
“We will never forget the four souls that were taken from us,” she said. “Their legacy and our mission to extend the healing ministry of Christ will continue.”
Parker said the process of healing from that day has required a lot of work physically and mentally.
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