Monday, February 19th 2024, 9:14 pm
Tulsa Mayor GT Bynum is speaking out against what he said are false rumors that Tulsa is turning into a “sanctuary city” for illegal immigrants.
He posted a statement on Facebook, calling the claims “ridiculous garbage.”
One city councilor said he thought some of the rumors were disturbing, and he’s glad the mayor set the record straight.
Bynum posted examples of questions his office gets over and over again: of Tulsa being named a sanctuary city for illegal immigrants, an immigrant processing camp going in at 31st and Memorial, and caravans of migrants being dropped off in Tulsa.
He said Tulsa has worked to make the city better for immigrants, but that has “led people in some instances to assume the worst about what we’re doing, and in other instances to blatantly lie about it.”
He said some people are misinformed about a business center being created with public-private money to help immigrants who want to start a business.
Christian Bengel, the Tulsa City Councilor for District 6, said it’s upsetting when people get the wrong idea.
"They'll have access to resources that will help them navigate being lawful and successful businesses,” said Bengel. “I'm grateful to all the partnerships that are bringing this together."
He said Tulsa will continue to enforce the laws of the federal government when it comes to illegal immigration, and Tulsa will not become a “sanctuary city.”
"Folks kind of are trying to shift the issue to the city, where it's really a federal government issue,” said Bengel. “Until our federal government fix our border issue, all we can do is work with the community that we have."
Other city councilors have also spoken up on Bynum’s post.
Grant Miller represents District 5 and said if the government is helping people, it shouldn’t be based on immigration status.
He said on Facebook, “the essence of Tulsa residents’ grievance over the business incubator is manifestly clear so it’s really, very bizarre you would pretend in this post to be perplexed.”
Bengel said if Tulsans have questions, they should ask their city councilor.
"I would just be careful about who you get your information from and not be a person who continues to spread those rumors,” said Bengel. “If you have issue with that, you're more than welcome to attend committee meetings."
The mayor said the city will support people who come to the U.S. legally, but the city does not want to reward people who do not follow the law.
February 19th, 2024
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