Wednesday, March 19th 2025, 9:49 pm
Firefighters and paramedics at the Guthrie Fire and EMS Department have been working tirelessly in recent days, responding to medical and fire calls while also ensuring their own well-being. Firefighter paramedic Zeb Robbins shared insights into their efforts, community support, and the challenges they've faced.
Q: What have the last several days been like for you?
A: "The last several days have just been mostly staging here at the station, responding to medical calls when needed, responding to various fire calls around the county." Robbins said.
He emphasized the importance of being ready at a moment's notice while also looking out for fellow firefighters.
"Just hanging out here making sure all the guys are taken care of medically because we can get dehydrated too,"
Q: How has the community supported you all through this?
A: The community’s generosity has been overwhelming, Robbins said. "We asked for donations a couple of days ago, and the community has absolutely overwhelmed us with their generosity by donating water, hydration packets, face wipes, chapstick, eye drops, anything,"
Q: Is there anything you still need?
A: Robbins said the department is not taking any more donations at this time because they are running out of space for them.
"Right now we're currently not taking any more donations because we're packed out. We're -- our front lobby has almost completely been inaccessible, and we've got areas here in the Bay that are taking up some space too, that we've been also donating out to other volunteer departments to take whatever they need."
Q: Has it been busier than normal for you?
A: "Yes and no," Robbins said. "We run an ambulance service as well, with seven ambulances, 520 square miles. That's normally our main focus, as well as other fire departments." He also said some crew members have been away from the station for 48 hours straight, prepared for whatever is needed.
Q: How have you all been supporting each other?
A: Team members keep an eye on each other’s health, both physically and mentally.
"Some of us are paramedics, some are EMTs; we check each other. We make sure our vitals are good," he said. "One of the things that doesn't get talked about enough, is mental health. In the fire service, we like to check on each other every chance we can, just because some things are tougher on other people. So just really kind of staying in touch with each other, whether it's in person or over the phone, making sure that their needs are handled and things at home are handled. Like, if I'm off shift and somebody needs some assistance, 'Hey, can I, you know, let your dogs out, or can I help you out?' Just stuff like that."
Q: Do you expect to be stationed here for the next few days?
A: "We’ve been notified by our officers and chiefs that we could be on standby," he said. "Living here in town, I'm always ready for whatever happens if we need more manpower."
March 19th, 2025
March 21st, 2025
March 21st, 2025
March 21st, 2025
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March 22nd, 2025