Monday, November 19th 2018, 11:19 pm
CNN may have won in court but lost in the court of public opinion. Monday, the White House issued a new set of guidelines for the conduct of White House reporters clearly mocking CNN's Jim Acosta.
I'll go back a few days for those who aren't aware of this standoff between Acosta and President Trump at a news conference.
Watch: Trump’s Exchange With CNN Reporter
The White House jerked Acosta's credentials, but a federal court ruled they can't do that because there are no stated guidelines for reporters. So, the White House issued new rules clearly aimed at Acosta's grandstanding.
When called upon, a journalist may ask a single question, unless the President or spokesman decides to allow a follow up. Then, the journalist will yield the floor and microphone to his fellow journalists.
Break these simple rules - the reporter can lose their White House press credentials.
It’s pitiful that it has come to this, common courtesy and respect for the office.
Several reporters have taken to arguing with the President rather than just asking questions. Some have suggested that the President will ignore Acosta, freeze him out so to speak.
Don't bet on it.
They’re both manipulating the conflict to rev up their supporters.
I'm Kelly Ogle and that's My 2 Cents. .
November 19th, 2018
March 31st, 2020
March 4th, 2020
March 25th, 2025