The DNC filed a lawsuit against the Russian government, WikiLeaks and the Trump campaign, and its associates, arguing the parties conspired to influence the 2016 presidential campaign.
Donald Trump Jr. occasionally direct-messaged on Twitter with WikiLeaks, beginning in Sept. 2016 and continuing through the presidential election and beyond, CBS News has confirmed.
CBS News has learned that a manhunt is underway for a traitor inside the Central Intelligence Agency.
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange retreated from his pledge to accept extradition to the U.S. if Chelsea Manning was granted clemency, arguing Wednesday via his lawyers that what he was really asking for was an immediate pardon for the ex-Army analyst.
Brushing aside Donald Trump's dismissiveness, the nation's intelligence chief insisted Thursday that U.S. agencies are more confident than ever that Russia interfered in America's recent presidential election.
Following another dump of his personal emails, Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman, John Podesta, is claiming that Russian hackers targeted his account to try and influence the presidential election.